
Top 5 Strategies for Growing Your Team Online

It can be challenging to find just the right people to fill the vacant positions in your company. Whether you need virtual staff members or employees who work in your office, don’t underestimate the importance and value of online strategies to increase your team. While you set up your virtual office background for interviews, these are five strategies that can help.

1. Optimize Your Site and Job Posting for Mobile and Keywords

Most job searches occur online. However, many individuals search for jobs on their phones and tablets, so if you aren’t optimized for mobile, top candidates may pass right by your page. Make sure your page loads quickly, has a larger font that your candidates can see easily on small screens and avoid using popups that can impact their user experience.

In addition, you should optimize your career page, job description and posting for the specific keywords that your candidates will use to search for your available positions. Make sure Google knows that your posting is for a job, and work with Google’s job search tool to help prospects find your open jobs. Also, find out what your competition uses for keywords and use them as well.

2. Job Posting Sites

While some of your prospective candidates will search your website for available jobs, others work with job posting sites. Google’s job search is a good first start, but share your job posting with other online job search applications and websites. Learn about the websites your prospects frequent most. Make sure you optimize your posting on every site.

3. Build Branding Content

Even if you need to fill positions immediately, take time to build your brand recognition and content across multiple platforms. Recruitment videos are a significant part of this process, but you should also create video content about your company and its employees. Use an office background for Teams to streamline your content and make it easily recognizable.

You can also start a company podcast. Include testimonials from current employees. You can ask questions or just your staff speak. Consider adding more recruitment and employee satisfaction information to your company blog. You can feature job types and individuals. Also, post regularly on your social media. Don’t forget to give your employees a reward when they participate in your branding content.

4. Build Recruitment FAQs

You will likely find that many of your candidates ask the same questions. Therefore, create a FAQs page that covers the most common questions. These are topics that your candidates should understand before they apply for a job with your company.

This includes when they can expect a response to their inquiry or application. You can also discuss roles in each department or the specific openings you have. Also, use chatbots on your posting and FAQs pages.

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5. Online Networking

One way to increase your online networking is through social media platforms. Answer questions from your prospects on these sites quickly. Also, create recruiting social media accounts and channels. You can also share your projects on industry pages to entice top talent. Consider sharing information on Medium and similar platforms to encourage interaction.

Take advantage of online opportunities to entice new talent, but underestimate the importance of seemingly smaller details, such as office background images and providing information your candidates may desire.

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